Our ministry is based on the teachings of our lord Jesus Christ according to what is written.
"john 8 : 32 :You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free"
"john 16 : 8 - 11 , acts 2 : 1 - 4 , : The spirit of God is our help , teaching us in the ways to go. We are not of our own , we are the sheep of God.s pasture. To receive and become the flock of Jesus by His teachings.
Author ; Apostle Sally D : Christ Revival Ministries
1. Find us on our tv channel sally d tv on roku
2.Sally D Radio
3.Facebook sally d sally
4.Twitter @apostlesallyd
5.Youtube sally d tv
6.Website ; www.christrevivalministry.africa
Through the grace that God has invested in His servants in Jesus Christ our lord by faith the lord has promised to heal his people , we will pray for you.
christ revival team
Thank you for joining in the teachings of God's word , the bible study.
[ 2nd timothy 3 : 16 "All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching , for rebuking , for correcting , for training in righteousness , so that the man of God may be complete , equipped for every good work."
May the lord help us , may the lord renew our minds .As we seek knowledge , wisdom and guidance in His holy word.